Memorandum of Conversation, by the Special Assistant for United Nations Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs (Allen)
- Subject:
- Possible Candidacy of Mr. Van Kleffens for President of the 8th GA; UNCURK
- Participants:
- Minister de Beus, Netherlands Embassy
- Mr. Murphy, UNA
- Mr. W.P. Allen, EUR
Minister de Beus called on instructions to seek our reaction to the possibility of Mr. Van Kleffens running for the presidency of the next GA. He stated a number of the European countries felt that since there has been only one European president (Mr. Spaak in 1946) it would be appropriate for a European to hold the post this time. Mr. Van Kleffens is prepared to be a candidate and the Netherlands Government is prepared to back him provided, of course, there is a reasonable chance of success. In response to Mr. Murphy’s query, Minister de Beus said that the presidency of the 9th GA was, of course, an alternative possibility but the Netherlands Government was more interested in the forthcoming session. The Dutch realize that both Prince Wan and Mme Pandit are active candidates but envisage the possibility that there may be a deadlock between them and, in that event, Van Kleffens might offer a desirable solution. Mr. de Beus stated in the French view a deadlock is likely since the French themselves are committed to Prince Wan and since Mme Pandit will undoubtedly be opposed by the Muslem group under the leadership of Pakistan.
Mr. Murphy stated that we are of course committed to support Mme Pandit if she is a candidate (of which fact we have not yet been formally apprised). As to the possibility of a deadlock he raised the question as to whether, if Mme Pandit’s candidacy gains strength. Prince Wan may decide to withdraw. He made clear, however, the very-high regard which the US has for Mr. Van Kleffens and our conviction that he would make an excellent presiding officer. He agreed that we would consider the ideas put forward by the Netherlands Government and get in touch with them sometime in the near future.