Memorandum of Two Telephone Conversations, by the Assistant Secretary of State for united Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
- Subject:
- New Zealand’s Candidacy for the Security Council.
Separate conversations:
- Participants:
- Mr. Leslie Munro, New Zealand Ambassador
- Mr. Hickerson
- Mr. George Laking, Counselor of New Zealand Embassy
- Mr. Hickerson
The New Zealand Ambassador called me on the telephone yesterday and referred to an earlier conversation he had with me about New Zealand’s candidacy for the Security Council to succeed India. He said that he was very happy to say that the New Zealand Government had received word from “the highest Indian authorities” that India would support New Zealand’s candidacy. He went on to say that the UK, Canada, and Pakistan have also promised warm support for New Zealand. He said that the Australian Government has not yet indicated their view but they expect, of course, to have Australia’s support. He also said that South Africa has not replied officially to New Zealand’s inquiry but that Ambassador Jooste told him here that he was certain that South Africa would strongly support New Zealand.
The Ambassador said that his Government had circularized all friendly governments asking for their support. He said that the time would come between now and next September when he felt the United States might be able to help New Zealand in obtaining support from the American Republics and he would be glad to keep in touch with us about this.
[Page 455]I told the Ambassador I was very much gratified at what he had to say and recalled to him that I had told him earlier that if New Zealand had the whole support of the Commonwealth I was confident the United States would give its support to New Zealand. I added that I felt he should keep in touch with the State Department in regard to this matter since I hoped in this case we might be able to depart from our usual custom and tell him well in advance of the General Assembly session of our support.
The Ambassador expressed appreciation.
Today Mr. Laking, Counselor of the Embassy, called me on the telephone and said that they had received a further telegram from the New Zealand Government on this subject. He said that he and the Ambassador felt that they should tell me that in the light of this further telegram India’s assurance of support was not as definite as the Ambassador had informed me yesterday. He said that they would give us further information about this later.