Bibliography of Departmental Sources Used by Ambassador Jessup for his Arab-Asian Study1
Considerations Affecting Decisions on the Arab-Asian Problem in the United Nations General Assembly
i. us Policy Considerations in the Treatment of Arab-Asian
A. General considerations:
Pre-eminent US policy considerations concerning conflicts of interest between certain Western European states and Arab-Asian states. Discussion of specific issues (Tunis, Morocco) that may arise in the General Assembly. (20 pp.) (S/P:LJHalle, 9/20/52) Secret.
Issues of principle and identification of national interest in “colonial” and racial cases in UN. (4 pp.) (UNA:UNP:DHPopper, 9/22/52) Confidential.
B. Specific considerations:
Brief statement of US short-term interests in the NEA area which will be affected by the stand which USUN takes on Palestine, Tunis, and Morocco. (1 p.) (NEA:NE:PTHart; NEA: AF:JUtter, 9/23/52) Top Secret.
The effect of US position on Arab-Asian items in the GA on US objectives concerning MEDO. (1 p.) (NEA: ABDaspit) Not Classified.
Effect of US position regarding certain GA agenda items (Tunisia, Morocco, Indians in South Africa, racial discrimination in South Africa) on immediate policy objectives of US in South Asia. (1 p.) (NEA:SOA:WLSWilliams, 9/22/52) Secret.
Probable impact of alternative lines of USUN action on the attitude of India and Pakistan toward the US and the USSR. (2 pp.) (NEA: SOA:WWitman, 9/20/52) Secret.
Effect on US short range interests in the Far East of US opposition to Arab-Asian group in GA. (2 pp.) (FE:COgburn, Jr.) Secret.
FE’s interest in Arab-Asian GA Items. (1 p.) (FE:PSA: WMGibson, 9/22/52) Secret.
Significance in the Far East of Arab-Asian items on the agenda of the GA. (8 pp.) (FE:COgburn, Jr., 9/20/52) Secret.
Probable impact of alternative lines of US action (analyzed in terms of each of the cases) on the future US position in the UN and the future of UN itself. (9 pp.) (UNA, 9/23/52) Confidential.
Effects of US policies toward Arab-Asian nationalism on short-term and long-term US interests in NATO and other European regional arrangements. [Page 49] (11 pp.) (EUR: RA: WTNunley: JGParsons, 9/20/52) Secret.
France, Tunisia and Morocco in the context of Ambassador Jessup’s memorandum of September 18. (9 pp.) (EUR: WE: RBKnight, 9/19/52) Secret.
Secretary’s discussion with Pinay on US position concerning French in North Africa. Bipartite Foreign Ministers Meeting with the French: 4:00 p.m., May 28, 1952, p. 4. Secret.
The Interest of the United States in the French Moroccan problem. (12 pp.) Tangier’s despatch 92, September 8, 1952. (WCIsenberg, 9/1/52) Secret.
Comments on Arab-Asian UN problem from the angle of US relations with the UK. (10 pp.) (BNA) Secret.
ii. discussion of ga issues relating to arab-asian nationalism
A. Political
Tunisia. (2 pp.) (UNA, 9/23/52) Secret.
The situation in Tunisia. (2 pp.) (NEA) Secret.
Brief analysis of Tunisian reform decrees. (4 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
The Tunisian question. (2 pp.) (L: L/UNA: WEHewitt, 9/20/52) Not Classified.
Morocco. (1 p.) (UNA, 9/23/52) Secret.
The situation in Morocco. (2 pp.) (NEA) Secret.
The question of Morocco. (2 pp.) (L: L/UNA: WEHewitt, 9/20/52) Not Classified.
South African racial problem and Indians in South Africa. Political and power situation in South Asia. Attachment: Resolutions on foreign policy, racialism and satyagraha in South Africa, and on Tunisia adopted by All-India Congress Committee session at Indore. (Excerpt from India Embassy News Bulletin 66/52, 9/16/52) (4 pp.) (NEA: SOA: WWitman, 9/22/52) Secret.
The South African cases in the UN. (8 pp.) (EUR: BNA: GHRaynor: AMLee, 9/20/52) Secret.
Race conflict in South Africa. (2 pp.) (UNA: UNP: EABrown, 9/19/52) Secret.
South African racial policies. (3 pp.) (L:L/UNA: HLinde, 9/20/52) Secret.
South West Africa. (3 pp.) (UNA, 9/23/52) Secret.
South West Africa—Arguments pro and con. (2 pp.) (L: L/UNA: CRunyon, 9/20/52) Not Classified.
Treatment of Indians in South Africa. (1 p.) (UNA; 9/23/52) Secret.
Palestine. (3 pp.) (UNA, 9/23/52) Confidential.
[Page 50]Palestine: arguments pro and con. (6 pp.) (L:L/UNA: BFensterwald, 9/20/52) Secret.
The situation in Palestine. (4 pp.) (NEA: NE: FE Waller, 9/20/52) Secret.
B. Other:
Economic issues (Second Committee) (1 p.) with attachments: 1) Economic items: land reform; arid zones and water utilization; locust control; food and famine; productivity (3 pp.); 2) Financing of economic development (5 pp.) (UNA: UNE: EHKellogg, 9/19/52) Confidential.
Social, Humanitarian and Cultural issues (Third Committee) (2 pp.) with attachments: Human Rights (2 pp.) (UNA:UNE: JFGreen). Freedom of Information (3 pp.) Confidential.
Dependent areas issues (Fourth Committee) (5 pp.) with attachments: Resolutions on Self Determination (2 pp.); The Ewe and Togoland unification problem (2 pp.); Problems of non-self-governing territories (4 papers: 2 pp., 2 pp., 1 p., 1 p.) (UNA papers) Secret.
iii. background studies pertaining to arab-asian nationalism
A. Regional and country analysis:
Conditions and trends in the Middle East. (5 pp.) (OIR contribution to NIE 73) Secret.
Political instability in the Near East. (10 pp.) Intelligence Estimate No. 36 (1/14/52) Confidential.
The British position in the Middle East. (2 pp.) (R?) Secret.
Future of France in Morocco and Tunisia. (2 pp.) Secret.
The current situation in Iran: Analysis of Mosadeq’s plans for Iran’s political and economic future and of the possible consequences of Mosadeq’s death. (2 pp.) Intelligence Brief No. 1218, (8/20/52) Secret.
Iran: An estimate of possible political developments. (3 pp.) Intelligence Brief No. 1163, (5/13/52) Secret.
Mosadeq’s current position in the internal Iranian situation: An evaluation of the nature of the nationalist movement in Iran and of Mosadeq, its leader. (4 pp.) Intelligence Report No. 5676 (10/26/51) Secret.
An estimate of independent Libya. (2 pp.) Intelligence Brief No. 1178 (6/11/52) Secret.
Political situation in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. (4 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
B. Communism and Nationalism:
Communist influence in North Africa. (3 pp.) (R memorandum) Not classified.
[Page 51]Communist attempts to exploit neutralism among Arab Nationalists in North Africa. (2 pp.) (R memorandum, 11/15/51) Secret.
Communism and Nationalism in French North Africa. (5 pp.) (R memorandum, 8/15/51) Secret.
Communism and the Nationalist parties in Morocco and Tunisia. (1 p.) Secret.
The native Nationalist and Communist movements in South Africa. (2 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Communism in Israel. (1 p.) (R memorandum, 9/15/51) Secret.
Communism in Egypt. (2 pp.) (R memorandum, 8/15/52) Secret.
Communism in Iraq. (2 pp.) (R memorandum, 9/15/52) Secret.
Evaluation of the present strength of Communism and the Communist-dominated Tudeh Party in Iran. (2 pp.) (R memorandum, 9/15/52) Secret.
Communism in Jordan. (5 pp.) (R memorandum, 3/15/52) Secret.
Communism in Lebanon. (13 pp.) (R memorandum, 7/15/52) Secret.
Communism in Turkey. (R memorandum) (12/15/51, 1 p.) (8/15/51, 1 p.) Secret.
Communist activity in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. (2 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Nature and extent of Communist influence in Indonesia. (2 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
iv. selected attitudes toward arab-asian issues and us policies
A. US attitudes:
American attitudes toward UN’s role on colonial problems and related questions. (3 pp.) (PA: PS: HSFoster, 9/22/52) Confidential.
Probable American opinion reaction to alternative US positions on five African and Near East items on the GA agenda. (3 pp.) (PA: PS:HSFoster, 9/19/52) Confidential.
American opinion summary re public attitudes toward items on UN GA agenda. (7 pp.) (PA:PS, 8/19/52) Restricted.
B. Other attitudes:
Expected attitudes of Latin American countries to alternative positions of US on Arab-Asian nationalist questions in UN. (3 pp.) (ARA: JCDreier, 9/19/52) Secret.
Attitudes toward US in Tunisia and Morocco. (3 pp.) (NEA) Secret.
Basic Indonesian political attitudes. (2 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Indonesian reaction to GA issues. (1 p.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Indonesian attitude regarding Moroccan and Tunisian questions. (1 p.) (R memorandum) Secret.
[Page 52]Indonesian attitude on treatment of Indians in South Africa. (1 p.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Indonesian attitude in respect to the South African racial problem. (1 p.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Indonesian attitude toward questions involving Palestine. (1 p.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Indonesian attitude toward questions involving Egypt. (1 p.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Indonesian attitude toward Iran question. (R memorandum) Secret.
Philippines: political attitudes toward Arab-Asian items, the US, and Communism. (3 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Burma: political attitudes toward Arab-Asian items, the US, and Communism. (4 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
Iranian national front attitudes toward the USSR and the US. (1 p.) (R memorandum) Secret.
v. the un, us policy and the arab-asian issues
A. Tactics in the UN:
Comments re tactical consideration in UN. (5 pp.) (UNA, 9/23/52) Secret.
EUR comments re tactical considerations in the UN: preparing public opinion. (2 pp.) (EUR:WPAllen, 9/22/52) Not classified.
Schuman views on handling Tunisian problem in GA. (Paris 1711, 9/18/52) Secret.
FE comments re tactical considerations in the UN. (Memo to UNP: Taylor fm FE:Bacon, 9/19/52) Confidential.
FE comments on the use of countermeasures to blunt attacks on Western measures by Far Eastern states. (FE:COgburn, 9/20/52) Not Classified.
Ambassador Bowles’ recommendation that Indian aide mémoire on South African racial policies be supported. (New Delhi 1088, 9/12/52; Indian Aide Mémoire, 4 pp.) Secret.
B. Solution of problems through the UN:
Role of the UN as a forum for discussion and probable effect of UN action on solution of basic problem involved in cases relating to Arab-Asian nationalism. (4 pp.) (UNA, 9/23/52) Secret.
EUR comments on probable effect of UN action on solution of basic problem involved in issues related to Arab-Asian nationalism. (2 pp.) (EUR:WPAllen, 9/22/52) Not classified.
vi. unlikely issues at the un
The Netherlands and Australian position relative to Guinea. (2 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
[Page 53]Indonesian Position on Netherlands New Guinea Question. (4 pp.) (R memorandum) Secret.
- Prepared in the office of the Ambassador at Large (Jessup).↩