The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
The Secretary of State requests that the United States Representative to the United Nations transmit the following commmunication to the Secretary General of the United Nations:
I have been requested by the Secretary of State to advise you of the issuance of an Executive Order “Prescribing Procedures for Making Available to the Secretary General of the United Nations Certain Information Concerning United States Citizens Employed or Being Considered for Employment on the Secretariat of the United Nations,” signed by the President of the United States on January 9, 1953. A copy of the Order is enclosed.1
The Executive Order is intended to enable the Government of the United States to do all that it properly can to assure the achievement of the mutual objective of the Secretary General and the United States to assure that the United Nations shall not employ or continue in its employment United States citizens who are engaged, have been engaged, or are likely to be engaged in any subversive activities against the United States.
My Government wishes to initiate at once the procedures provided by the Order, and its representatives would like to work out the details [Page 320] of the necesssary arrangements with your designees at their earliest convenience. In the meantime, I would like to request that appointment action be withheld on any pending appointments of United States citizens.
It is to be hoped that this action by the President of the United States will be accepted as further evidence of the importance which this Government attaches to the United Nations as an instrument for the promotion of international peace and security, and of its desire to strengthen the United Nations so that it can fulfill the purposes of the Charter effectively in accordance with its principles.
- Not printed. See Executive Order 10422 (18 Federal Register 239).↩