320/9–1453: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Delga 2. Attendance of alien NGO representatives at United Nations General Assembly.
Regarding USUN telegram number 174, September 10, United Nations NGO section, in requesting status report regarding visa application Reverend Michael Scott, advised USUN today that Scott only alien NGO representative formally designated to attend 8th General Assembly.
United Nations notified by WFTU that, because of WFTU Congress meeting Vienna in October, no representative would be sent from abroad to attend General Assembly and that WFTU would be represented here by Eleanor Kahn. United Nations in receipt some correspondence from Congress of Canadian women, affiliate of WIDF, implying Mrs. Margaretta Luckock might attend Session as WIDF representative, but as yet no such designation received from WIDF.
In view foregoing, Scott may be only NGO visa case this General Assembly.