I. United states policy regarding elections to certain offices, organs, commissions, and committees of the United Nations

[178] The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions

320/8–2252: Circular airgram

[181] The Ambassador in Belgium (Cowen) to the Department of State

320/9–1752: Telegram

[184] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1052: Telegram

[185] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/1–1152: Telegram

[186] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Office of Western European Affairs (Byington)

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 33, “Secretary Generalship of UN

[187] Memorandum of Conversation, by Thomas J. Cory of the United States Mission at the United Nations

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 33, “Secretary Generalship of UN

[188] Memorandum of Conversation, by William O. Hall, United States Member, United Nations Advisory Commission on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 33, “Secretary Generalship of UN

[189] The Ambassador in India (Bowles) to the Department of State

315/11–1752: Telegram

[190] The Secretary of State to the Department of State

320/11–1752: Telegram

[192] United States Delegation Working Paper

IO files, US/A/3545 (also US/S/1874)

[194] Briefing Paper Prepared in the Bureau of United Nations Affairs for Briefing Meetings for Ambassador Lodge

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 33, “Ambassador Lodge

[196] The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations

315/2–1653: Telegram

[197] Memorandum of Conversation, by James N. Hyde of the Mission at the United Nations

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 33, “Secretary Generalship of UN

[198] Memorandum of Conversation, by the United Nations Adviser, Bureau of European Affairs (Allen)

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 33, “Secretary Generalship of UN

[201] The Ambassador in Sweden (Butterworth) to the Department of State

315/2–2553: Telegram

[204] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council (Ross)

HickersonMurphyKey files, lot 58 D 33, “Secretary Generalship of UN