795.00/9–1851: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1


263. Korean briefing mtg, Sep 18. Defense rep reported FEC estimate, based on numerous reports, 25,900 Caucasian troops in Korea, of which 15,400 probably Sov, including anti-aircraft personnel, security forces, engineers, signal and radar personnel, etc.; and 10,500 other occidentals including artillery, hospital personnel, ground-air troops and other services. No concrete evidence specific type, identity or location any unit. Enemy troop strength now estimated total 700,000 men for increase 61,000 since last week.

Merchant commented Ridgway msg to Commies Sep 17 indicating willingness have liaison officers discuss conditions for resumption armistice talks. No reply from Commies this msg, or previous Ridgway msg acknowledging accidental violation Kaesong area by UN pilot Sep 10. Merchant indicated news item just reed reports further Commie charge violation neutrality zone by 3 armed soldiers. Commies, according report, called for our liaison officers meet with them but no indication whether merely to receive formal complaint alleged violation or be given response previous msgs.2

Merchant referred to slackening of attacks and abuse by Commie radio and noted while may be entirely coincidental, in past there had been such slackening prior Commie offensive.

In reply Canadian question, Merchant indicated no agreement ever reached with Commies barring innocent, non-hostile passage by UN planes over Kaesong area, but he believes UN pilots are instructed maintain minimum altitude.

  1. Sent to the U.S. Mission at the United Nations and to the posts in the other 16 countries contributing military support to the U.N. effort in Korea: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Great Britain, Greece, Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, and the Union of South Africa.
  2. The Communist complaint over this incident was speedily disposed of when the U.N. Command conceded, following the joint investigation by the liaison officers on September 19, that four unarmed medical corps soldiers of an anti-epidemic unit from the Republic of Korea Army had inadvertently crossed into the neutral zone. The investigation was conducted in a relatively congenial atmosphere and the Communist side promptly agreed to return the men and their equipment. (Telegram HNC 308, September 19, from CINCUNC Advance, Korea, to CINCFE, Tokyo: Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 59; the text of the U.N. Command announcement on the incident is printed in the Department of State Bulletin, October 1, 1951, p. 556.)

    In commenting on this incident at the Ambassadors’ briefing on September 21, Mr. Merchant observed that, speaking for himself, he found it interesting that the Communist side, given its record in manufacturing allegations, made no charge that the South Korean medical unit with its DDT bombs was a biological warfare team. (Memorandum of conversation by Heidemann; 750.00/9–2151)