795.00/7–651: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations


13. Fol are Dept’s comments on urtel 1738 June 28 re Korea.

Re Para 1 in our view no legitimate question can arise re UC authority to negotiate armistice as phase of military operations for which UC is responsible. This appears to be in accord with Feller memo on subject (urtel 1750, June 30).

Re Para 1(a) our present thinking is if armistice is signed GA, as first step, wld pass simple res noting with approval termination of fighting and armistice arrangements, and reaffirming UN determination to continue seek establishment of unified, democratic and independent Korea. Any subsequent action re embargo, relief and rehabilitation and political settlement shld we believe be taken by separate resolutions. In view of fact that eight cease-fire points Jan 2 and five principles never accepted by aggressors no reference shld be made to them.

Re Para 1(b) we believe this matter will be handled through negotiations in field.

Re Para 1(c) we do not consider GA shld invite Chi Commie or North Koreans to participate in GA discussions of simple Res noting armistice. Moreover, Chi Commie participation may be inconsistent with their own fiction of Chi “volunteers” and Sov theory that GA action on Korea is illegal because of overriding SC jurisdiction. If there is any indication that Chi Commies or North Koreans will request hearing pls consult Dept.

Re Para 2 we do not believe it necessary or desirable that an intensified campaign be undertaken at this time on question Chi representation. If such campaign were started now and armistice talks fail, we might be charged with contributing to their failure by these efforts. Extreme caution is, we think, indicated with respect to prospect of success of forthcoming talks. Although certain procedural advance has been made, there is as yet no indication that opposing commanders can agree on difficult questions of substance. If there is no armistice, we assume Chi representation question wld remain on present basis with general understanding that question shld be postponed. [Page 634] If armistice is concluded, we will promptly consider what further steps we shld take in Chi representation question, in light of all circumstances, including of course a consideration of any further Chi Commie aggressive action elsewhere, their attitude toward a Korean settlement, way they observe armistice terms, etc.

Pls keep Dept informed as to any indications that other Dels might raise matter in GA or SC so that Dept might consider appropriate steps.

Re Para 3. In response ur suggestion, Hickerson saw Entezam as head of GOC June 29 and 30 to inform him of development and brought him fully up to date. US will continue keep GOC informed and we agree we shld maintain close and friendly relations with its members.

Re Para 4. We have given thought suggesting UNCURK as armistice commission but do not believe it wld be acceptable to other side. FYI our present thinking is composition of armistice commission will be determined by armistice agreement and probably composed of military reps from both sides in equal numbers.
