689.90D/11–351: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Afghanistan
154. Amb’s1 remarks conversation with McGhee 31st re Pak relations included fol:
- 1.
- Expression GOA disappointment termination Nov 6 approach.
- 2.
- Breakdown due GOP unwillingness accept formula in language permitting possibility discussion status Pushtoons.
- 3.
- GOA like US keenly aware chief danger USSR, hence greatly concerned prevent additional Asian crisis.
- 4.
- Notwithstanding UK–GOP assertions no discontent border area we shld not overlook fact this crisis developing daily. Symptoms anti-Pak feeling which Afghans unable ignore include tribal dels to Kabul, “weekly” border clashes, presence Chitral refugee Kabul as fugitive from “intolerable pressures” (Karachi desp 443 Oct 11),2 and assassination Liaquat.
- 5.
- Continued bilateral negots futile; only hope settlement is continuation US efforts.
- 6.
- Naim here obtain US suggestions next steps.
McGhee referred long-standing efforts this Govt, his conversations GOA and GOP PriMins in search workable formula implement Nov 6 approach. However in absence complete acceptance terms both sides US had no alternative but withdraw this particular procedure. Although US still interested supporting other possibilities (perhaps along lines Col Shah talks), parties shld exercise own responsibility for area stability and obligation other free nations and not rely primarily upon US arrange settlement.
Emphasized (1) overriding seriousness world sitn must be main preoccupation small as well as large free nations; (2) although US recognized as natural, local and national aspirations, short-term stability more important than immediate fulfillment; (3) hence our hope Afg wld be able hold local problem in abeyance next few years as contribution to success in dealing with world menace; (4) commented favorably restraint both GOA and GOP press re possible implications Afg origin Liaquat assassin and urged continuation restraint all aspects Afg Pak relations with confidence elimination world tensions next few years wld permit solution local issues. Naim made no suggestions possibility referring problem to internatl body.
Naim continued conversation with reference Afg interest mil equipment from US (Embdesp 100 Sep 6)3 and expressed keen desire GOA learn US reactions. McGhee said Dept giving serious study Afg note. Asked if he wld press matter, Asst Secy said within limitations our many commitments it wld receive all possible consideration earliest.
In view indications PriMin not currently inclined emphasize “Pushtoonistan” issue (Embtel 208 Oct 25),3 does Emb believe Naim’s remarks may indicate genuine desire find face-saving formula for receding from present position?