357.AB/12–2151: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
Gadel 528. Re Kashmir. Amb Warren, now Wash consultation, reports Pak PriMin told him in strict confidence GOP realized GOI cld not until after elections change attitude on nrs troops in Kashmir at end of demilitarization. GOP wld be willing agree to res which wld extend Graham’s mediation “two or three months”. PriMin said GOP hopes Nehru will be returned power, but doubtful he will have [Page 1922] overwhelming majority. In such situation elements India wishing settlement Kashmir wld have greater weight, and possibility for settlement then somewhat improved. GOP did not wish harass GOI during elections and believed Kashmir shld be soft pedaled until after they completed. (Incidentally Warren thinks Graham shld not return subcontinent before elections but continue his efforts Paris.)
Ghulam Mohammed, Gov Gen, later told Warren GOP might be prepared “make deal” involving partition of Kashmir with plebiscite certain areas, but that suggestion wld have come from GOI since otherwise Pak public wld believe GOP given up hope. Gov Gen said Deshmuk and Rajagopalachari among those who might be able exert their influence after elections favor of broad settlement Indo-Pak issues.
Gadel pass substance foregoing to Graham, and ur discretion to appropriate Brit. Dept convinced however that recurrence any talk by parties, US, UK, or other dels or by Dr. Graham re partition this time wld doubtless undo much if not all Graham’s efforts re demilitarization. Therefore, GOP’s position indicated above must be very closely held.