320/12–2051: Telegram
The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State
Delga 749. Re talk with Sir Zafrulla Khan. On initiative Zafrulla Khan, Gross had long conversation with him Dec 19 just prior to Zafrulla’s departure for Pak. Zafrulla, in a deeply emotional vein, expressed regret that anything he had said in GA debate cld have been construed as personal attack upon Gross. In most contrite tone he said that far from having any such intention, the incident had “increased his affection” for Gross and he expounded at great length his respect, friendship, et cetera.
He then went at great length into matters, which will have to be reported separately, relating to his own personal position in the present Pak Govt arising particularly out of the frustration of Pak aspirations re Kashmir. In this connection he discussed in frankest terms Pak dissatisfaction with attitude and actions of Brit Govt.
[Here follows a discussion concerning Morocco.]
Our conversation concluded with renewed protestations by Zafrulla of his friendship, his last comment being, “If there is anything I have done which hurt you or which was wrong, tell me what penance I must make”.
With mutual expressions of friendship and respect, he departed for home to face new difficulties.