690D.91/10–1851: Telegram
The Chargé in India (Steere) to the Secretary of State
1395. During call Bajpai today his request I commented on editorials critical Graham report Indian News Chronicle and Hindustan [Page 1884] Standard (both Delhi). Bajpai replied two editorials no way reflected GOI views or influence. He had taken occasion inform editors two major papers (Hindustan Times and Statesman) that MEA regarded present time inauspicious for any criticism Graham report and that he hoped both papers might refrain from such comment.
Bajpai added, for my info he thought chances successful negots Indo-Pak agreement Kashmir now boiled down to “how many troops should remain on either side cease-fire line”. He had insisted that GOI must back up statement readiness hold plebiscite with evidence of readiness such plebiscite take place free from any possible duress from presence Ind troops. GOI prepared reduce peak nr. troops Kashmir by approx 80 percent to 16 battalions totaling 10,800 men and to concentrate these forces at strategic border points where possibility infiltration hostile forces must be guarded against. Eventually, GOI prepared further reduce forces to—say—12 battalions. These, GOI convinced, mil experts would agree absolute minimum necessary guard against possible re-incursions Kashmir. GOI also convinced that with provisions for UN supervision plebiscite, above measures would eliminate any reasonable doubt undue influence presence troops on voters during plebiscite.
Bajpai again commented on Graham’s patience, understanding and integrity and his satisfaction at Graham’s indication his belief negotiated understanding might still be achieved.