791.13/10–1751: Telegram
The Chargé in India (Steere) to the Secretary of State
1382. Assassination Liaquat Ali1 discussed informally today with Bajpai who said news had shocked and saddened GOI leaders many whom knew him well and deeply respected him as man and leader Pakistan. Bajpai thought tenor official condolences from India and Indian press reaction clearly reflected India’s sense loss, and said, in his opinion, this event wld have sobering effect India-Pakistan relations.
Bajpai who had just heard Nazimuddin’s resignation as Dir Gen and designation as PriMin and Defense Min, characterized him as man of moderation and great experience whom he thought had good chance maintaining control situation in Pakistan. Bajpai thought Nazimuddin even more opposed than Liaquat to policy of adventure or war over Kashmir; Nazimuddin likely as Bengali to link East and West Pakistan more closely.
Rptd info Karachi 78.