357.AB/10–1251: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
466. Re Kashmir: Gross told Graham this afternoon of Embassy Karachi’s tel 379 of Oct 10 and said that we were increasingly worried lest we get entire blame for delay in submission Graham’s report. He emphasized Liaquat sarcastic remark that Pakistanis are convinced that action happens in short order where American interest is engaged.
Graham said he was impressed by this and felt he should change his plans. He had been working on big historical survey of case for inclusion in his report, which was what was delaying it, but would omit this and submit shorter report reviewing areas of agreement and disagreement and make recommendation that he be given broader mediatory powers. He would present this to SYG Monday1 and later on would add historical section. He would be prepared to speak in Council later on next week. He thought there should be early renewal of Kashmir discussion upon arrival of SC in Paris. He had in mind date as early as Oct 25. Gross said we would do our best to support Graham’s wishes but foresaw the problem of a number of delegations not arriving in Paris until Nov. He thought we would know more about this factor before adjourning for Paris.
[Page 1882]FYI at meeting this morning with Jebb and SC President Muniz, Gross brought up Kashmir question and emphasized urgency of having SC meeting on it before adjourning to Paris. Saying that he did not know when Graham report would be submitted, he asked whether Muniz could fit in meeting on Kashmir next week notwithstanding debate on Iran, if report presented. Jebb offered no objection, remarking meeting probably would be for sole purpose of hearing Graham on report. Muniz said he would fit in meeting next week on Kashmir if report appeared in time and no objection from SC members.
- October 15.↩