857.AB/10–1251: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
200. Re Kashmir:
On Oct 8, Dept raised possibility 2-step procedure re Graham’s future terms of reference:
- (1)
- In next res SC wld continue his mediatory authority under Mar 30, 1951 res. Under this authority he wld informally present new points outlined in your 2 Oct communication and file progress reports;
- (2)
- If Graham’s efforts under step 1 above failed, SC might pass further res broadening his powers and enabling him explore possible solutions other than state-wide plebiscite.
In your 9 Oct communication, Graham did not comment upon this 2-step procedure, and Dept wld be interested in his views on this point.
Dept sees advantage in 2-step approach above primarily because postpones SC indication approval solutions other than state-wide plebiscite. Res under step 1 might appeal Paks as showing full SC support for state-wide plebiscite while strengthening Graham’s hand in pursuing UNCIP res objectives. Second step res broadening terms of reference eld then be tailored to needs of occasion.
Re step 1 above, ask Graham if he believes he wld have sufficient authority discuss with parties new points in 14-point plan by res merely continuing his mediatory authority under Mar 30 res. If not, what language does he think necessary? It follows from above that use Dixon’s terms of reference at this time might be risky as indicating implied approval solutions other than state-wide plebiscite.