330/10–1051: Telegram
The Ambassador in Pakistan (Warren) to the Secretary of State
379. Prime Min sent for me last night to express his disappointment at delay in presentation of Graham report to SC. He said Graham had told Paks before leaving Karachi his report wld be available for Lie by 1 Oct but said Prime Min “he saw Lie on 29 Sept and nothing has been heard of the report since.”
I told him posit of US had been clear in desiring presentation of report and discussion by SC in Oct before Council departed for Paris. He said Zafrulla had confirmed such an understanding but he now feels there has been a double-cross somewhere.
He said “the Amers may not be responsible for it but they will be blamed for it. We Paks are convinced that where Amer interest is engaged action fols shortly after.”
I then mentioned urgency of Iran issue in which Pak as well as US has a polit as well as a commodity interest. He agreed that sitn as presented in NY by presence of Mosadeq1 is of prime urgency but expressed belief that some solution must be reached within next few days. He thought it wld be mistake from everybody’s point of view except the Soviets to have Iran question aired in SC. Immed thereafter he said Paks hope that SC will be able to take up Graham report [Page 1880] not later than 15th this month in order have debate on what are “no more than procedural recommendations” before recessing to France.
Dept pass USUN.
- Mohammad Mossadeq, Iranian Prime Minister.↩