357.AB/10–951: Telegram
The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State
Unmis 69. For Hickerson (UNA) from Gross. Re Kashmir: At his invitation, I lunched with Graham today in his hotel room. We discussed the complications in timing of the submission of the report and ways of obtaining maximum impact despite publicity of Iranian case. I urged Graham to submit his report by Saturday, the 13th, and at the latest by the 15th. He thought he might not be able to submit it by the 13th but possibly could on the 14th. We thought report could be released to press by Secretariat upon submission but we would look into SC schedule in order to avoid blanketing by meeting on Iran.
I outlined the concepts of Misun 70, all of which we both felt were consistent with Graham’s plan. He is thinking in terms of broad mediatory authority such as Dixon had and feels SC action is necessary to broaden his present powers since he does not believe March 30 resolution broad enough to give him Dixon’s full authority.
Re Question A in your letter of October 5, Graham envisages that period for completing demilitarization (which need not necessarily [Page 1879] be for exactly 90 days and could possibly be a range) would follow drafting of demilitarization plan. He has in mind no time limit for such drafting. His theory is that if there is a will for settlement on both sides, agreement will be reached quickly. If there is not, there will be no agreement. Graham’s problem is to instill such will in both parties.
Re Question B, Graham intends to submit his own plan in event parties fail to agree. He has such plan already mostly worked out and has shown parts of it to the parties. Naturally new points have arisen [concerning?] which he has not had an opportunity to talk with the parties.
I told Graham that in thinking things over further, it seemed to me Graham might offer UN troops to both sides not Pakistan alone. He said he would think this over, offering advantage that Pakistan might accept even if India did not, the former thus accumulating virtue.
Graham had no new ideas on tactics since my Misun 65, October 6.