693.94/12–1151: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald) to the Secretary of State
Topad 1264. For Allison from Dulles.1 Dening conferred with me lengthily this afternoon. Indicated Eden strongly opposed to Jap action involving recognition of Chiang Kai-shek as Govt of China but not opposed to restoration of normal peacetime trade relationship. I stated that our many relations with Japan, including not only treaty ratification, but arrangements under treaties, posed question of whether Japan’s foreign policy in Asia was parallel to ours or different from ours, and that reasons were mounting for some answer to this question which wld be acceptable to Congress and that some treaty arrangement with Chi Nationalists seemed to me only practical answer although I thought this need not involve any recognition of Chiang as authorized to speak for and bind all China. I stated that I might tomorrow discuss privately with Yoshida or Iguchi to develop reaction fol which I wld communicate with him so that he cld report to his govt simultaneously with my report. Dening was acquiescent this procedure but emphasized Japan’s growing sensitiveness to external pressure and implied he felt public statement by Senators here was not helping situation.
Sebald, Sparkman, Smith and I called on Yoshida but only courtesies exchanged, with indication that more serious talk wld follow.
Press conference participated in by Senators was in my opinion well handled and Senators’ statements on analysis carefully avoided any suggested pressure on Japan but their actual words did not conceal their strong feeling and perhaps that impression may be overemphasized in handling by the press. [Dulles.]
- Mr. Dulles had arrived in Tokyo December 10 together with Senators Sparkman and Smith.↩