Editorial Note
Documents in file 694.001 for 1950–1951 indicate that the United States aided the efforts of the Government of Portugal, neutral during World War II, to initiate by means of an exchange of letters with Japan settlement of issues caused by the Japanese occupation of Portuguese Timor during the war.
In telegram 355 to Tokyo, August 29, the Department informed United States Political Adviser in part that it was proceeding at once [Page 1370] to seek Japanese agreement to the exchange of letters “in view our current relations with Port re Azores”. (694.001/8–2951) Information on renegotiation of a bilateral military bases agreement with Portugal is scheduled for publication in volume IV.
Although the Japanese Government was prepared to proceed with the exchange of letters by September 8 at latest, the Portuguese Government on October 1 informed the United States that the matter would be held in abeyance.