694.001/7–2051: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald)


Topad 96. From Allison. UK Emb states that Brit FonMin believes Emperor shld in some manner be associated with signature of Peace Treaty. They suggest that either Jap Delegates’ credentials shld authorize them to sign on Emperor’s behalf or that some member of Imperial House shld be attached to the Delegation. Dept pointed out there might be Constitutional difficulties in suggestion regarding credentials, and that our initial reaction was against having a member of the Imperial House attached to the Delegation. As you are aware Art 7 of Jap Constitution provides that Emperor “on behalf of the people” attests full powers and credentials of Ambassadors and Ministers.

Your comments desired soonest on advisability these points. It may be that UK will not press point if they could be informed that Yoshida [Page 1217] is to head Jap Delegation and that this decision was taken after audience with the Emperor.1 [Allison.]

  1. In telegram 155, from Tokyo, July 22, Ambassador Sebald replied in part that the participation of a member of the Imperial Family on the peace delegation would raise protocol difficulties, but that he had suggested sometime ago to Mr. Clutton the inclusion of a member of the Imperial Household such as [Marquis Yasumasa?] Matsudaira. The Ambassador stated he had no objection to informing the UK confidentially of Yoshida’s decision to head the Japanese delegation, as well as of the fact the decision was taken after an Imperial audience. (694.001/7–2251)