756D.5–MSP/12–1151: Telegram

The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State


846. Recd A–110 Dec 5. Discussed it seventh with Hawkins1 in absence ECA chief Hayes. Hawkins stated STEM shld not proceed with their plan of submitting excerpts from Ecato 879 guaranties2 to Indo coordinating comite. Neither STEM nor Emb had commented to Wash on Ecato 879 and I felt entire negot with respect this complicated phase MSA act shld be left Wash. On seventh requested repeat Deptel 2963 to Paris3 and recd this tenth. Immediately sought appointment with FonMin Subardjo.

On afternoon tenth tried out draft note on Minister Djuanda to whom I frequently look for objective estimate govt position and for support within Cabinet. He quickly picked out point three of para one as entirely unacceptable to Indos.

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Was recd by FonMin Subardjo morning eleventh. Reviewed existing arrangements under which Indo receiving constabulary equipment and econ aid and explained MSA legis and necessity for exchange of notes with Indo. I handed Subardjo copy draft note as set forth A–110 and went over various provisions thereof with him. We will be obliged eliminate point three para one and also make revision suggested by Dept in wording point six of para one. Effort will be made however to get Indo acceptance of assurances under 511 (a) rather than (b). Important reason for this is that particularly bad impression wld now be created if we obliged Indos commence paying for balance long promised constabulary equipment. Subardjo explained that milit equipment which he and Ali have discussed with Dept wld be sought strictly on reimbursable basis.

Subardjo will have to consult with PriMin and perhaps entire Cabinet on matter exchange of notes. He thinks it will not be necessary however to seek Parliament ratification of such exchange. It will probably be necessary use in para four language “Govt of Indo considers aforementioned econ cooperation agreement fully effective.” This substitution wld be required since Indo Govt considers Parliament ratification ECA bilateral obligatory and no opportunity there-for prior latter half Jan since Parliament recessed Dec 2 and will not reconvene until Jan 15. Subardjo understands urgency consummating exchange notes and promised he wld endeavor expedite.4

  1. Everett D. Hawkins, Program Planning Officer, STEM Mission in Indonesia.
  2. Not here printed.
  3. See footnote 3, p. 730.
  4. The Department of State, in telegram 654 to Djakarta, December 20, informed Ambassador Cochran that he could make the changes which he had suggested in paragraphs 1 and 4 of the draft note sent to him in airgram 110, November 23, p. 729. (756D.5–MSP/12–1151)