493.009/6–1851: Telegram
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State
1776. As authorized by London’s 6634 to Dept, repeated 54 to Djakarta,1 I called on Secy Gen Darma Setiawan of Indo FonOff 9:30 a.m., June 18 and communicated orally substance Deptel 5934 to [Page 676] London, rptd as 1384 to Djakarta. Darma noted UK giving broad interpretation UN embargo formula with unconditional embargo on rubber Darma noted specifically four categories of rubber to be included.
Darma stated wld inform FonMin at once, wld discuss with Mukarto,2 who is here from UN, and wld cable instructions to Palar. I impressed upon him necessity keeping Brit UN list secret until Brit themselves give publicity thereto. I informed him I wld let Brit Amb know of my call.
Was received by Brit Amb 10:30 a.m. and told him foregoing. He had not yet received cablegram from London and doubted it wld come in time for action 18th.
Dept pass London, sent niact Dept 1776, rptd info London 31.
- In telegram 6634 from London, June 17, the Department was informed that the United Kingdom Foreign Office had no objection to Ambassador Cochran informing the Indonesian Government unofficially that the United Kingdom was giving a broad interpretation to the UN embargo formula with an unconditional embargo on rubber (493.009/6–1751).↩
- Mukarto Notowidigdo, Deputy Representative for Indonesia to the United Nations.↩