493.009/6–1651: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
5934. Re Djakarta’s 1767, June 15, 1951, repeated in full London 301 Brit Emb June 15 gave Dept in strict confidence copy UK draft report to UN showing UK giving broad interpretation UN embargo formula. Brit embargo on rubber unconditional, includes a) natural rubber (including latex and scrap) b) synthetic rubber c) oil and fire resisting rubber hosing and high pressure hosing d) tires and tubes other than for pedal cycles.
Brit plan official announcement Brit UN list through BOT possibly Tuesday, June 19 and desire no prior publicity re Brit list. Pls request Brit, however, immediately to permit you inform AmEmb Djakarta soonest that rubber included in Brit list, in order that he may inform Indo Govt which (Djakarta tel 30) waiting Brit lead. As second alternative ask Brit immediately to instruct Brit Amb Djakarta inform Indo Govt Brit position on rubber.
Sent AmEmbassy London, priority niact 5934; rptd info AmEmbassy Djakarta priority 1384;2 USUN 992.
- Ambassador Cochran in telegram 1767 from Djakarta, June 16, informed the Department that the Indonesians still did not wish to go further than the United Kingdom with regard to the inclusion of rubber as a strategic material under the UN embargo. The Ambassador also stated that he had not yet discussed the Kem Amendment with the Indonesians along the lines set forth in telegram 1359 to Djakarta, June 12 (p. 672), because he did not feel that, given the circumstances, this would weaken rather than strengthen Indonesia’s resolve to comply with the UN and Kem measures. (493.009/6–1651)↩
A separate paragraph in the message to Djakarta only reads:
“Dept notes urtel 1767 you have judged it best not approach Indo re Kem amendment along lines Dept tel 1359. Dept of course believes Emb action based Dept tel 1379 similarly your discretion.”