756D.00/5–3151: Telegram

The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cochran) to the Secretary of State


1681. Amb Ali visited with me 2 hours my home forenoon thirtieth his request. He gratified statement Masjumi party will support Sukiman Govt; believes this is strongest Indo Govt to date; thinks it has good chance success, if principal parties continue cooperate. He has observed shortcomings of govt ministries and floundering that has resulted from too many parties, too much polit maneuvering and too few capable leaders occupying positions sufficiently long to exercise auth efficiently.

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Amb Ali bad only kindest things to say about US Govt and was particularly appreciative of farewell talks had with Sec State and Asst Secy Rusk. Was glad to bring their messages to his govt and hopes take back reciprocal good will greetings when he leaves Indo first week June.

We discussed Emb also and mentioned possible repercussions Kem amendment. Amb Ali said Indo Govt thru various ministries particularly that of economics working on list of strategic materials as required by UN resolution prior June 18. He admitted most guardedly there is strong controversy within Indo Govt as to whether rubber shld be included. I reminded him it was Brit shipments rubber to Commies that perhaps contributed more than any other cause to congressional unhappiness and trend in direction Kem legislation. I said Indo wld certainly get bad reaction in US if rubber not included. He made point other countries now also deciding what materials they should consider strategic, and implied Indo might not be alone in classifying rubber as non-strategic. He said Indo had been quite stirred up over UN resolution. He understood Amer viewpoint but saw difficulty reconciling this with Indo. He was under impression US Govt wld be satisfied, however, if Indo simply adhered to “historic pattern” in fon trade. (Care must be taken to see that Indos do not interpret this expression to permit them export directly or through new intermediaries goods to ultimate destinations) such as Chi or Russia (that heretofore reached such destinations thru Malaya).

Recd Amb Ali and dictated foregoing parts in present form before arrival Deptels 1310 and 1311.1 My conversation with Amb Ali adds evidence that as revealed in my talk with Brit Amb (Embtel 1657)2 and Djuanda (Embtel 1671) that Brit have been in touch with Indos in effort have strategic character rubber exports analyzed and determined quantitatively. Telegraphic press reports from Colombo indicate Ceylon intends boldly flaunt UN recommendation insofar as rubber concerned.

I will continue keep Indo Govt informed at every opportunity as to US expectation Indo embargo rubber as duty UN member. Indo not likely however, to make public statement committing Indo to full embargo on rubber so long as reason to doubt Brit will go that far.

  1. Neither printed; for a summary of telegram 1311 to Djakarta, May 29, see footnote 3, p. 667. Telegram 1310 to Djakarta, May 29, which is not here printed, dealt with the British interpretation of the United Nations embargo resolution. Documentation on the British position is scheduled for publication in volume vii.
  2. Not here printed.