790.5/12–2251: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State
3764. Personal for the Secretary. Pleven sent for me this morning in the presence of Letourneau, Min for Associated States, gave me note translated in immed following cable. He specifically asked as head of French Govt that contents of note be brought to personal attention of President Truman. In view of last para I shld like to be able to state that such has been done, and that President is considering matter.
We will comment rather fully in forthcoming cables on Indo-China situation which is causing grave political complexities here. In regard to this particular note French expressed their feeling of great urgency that decision favoring tripartite talks contemplated by Singapore conf Xmas may be no longer delayed.1
Sent Dept 3764, rptd info London 1004, Saigon 214.