751G.00/11–3051; Telegram
The Minister at Saigon (Heath) to the Secretary of State
1113. Fol based on Leg officer interview with Perrier, chief Fr Sûreté:
1. During last 48 hours Viet police services in cooperation Fr Sûreté and backed by squadrons Fr tanks, have been conducting operations in Saigon for sequestration of members Cao Dai–Binh Xuyen offices and staffs this city.
2. Measure officially described as elimination of “certain disturbers of peace” and only 15 persons said to have been arrested. “Pretext” according Perrier is examination papers and arrest of those illegally bearing arms or not registered with census. Actually some 200 held in custody. No local press mention of Cao Dai–Binh Xuyen elements. All fon correspondents desps censored.
3. One or two instances violence admitted. Binh Xuyen, whose principal stronghold is south and eastern parts city below canal sent group to cross canal to rescue member held at police station. Fr tanks denied passage of bridges with some firing but assertedly no bloodshed. Binh Xuyen dispersed at order Fr officer. This morning alleged member Binh Xuyen killed by police for failing answer summons. Binh Xuyen then attacked to rescue body; Fr and Viets took it back, according Perrier, without further bloodshed.
4. Binh Xuyen chief, Col. Bai Vien, protested Bao Dai who told him keep calm cool, took no action. Perrier unable estimate how many Binh Xuyen he may have to deal with. Cao Dai headquarters overt and well established numbering about 200 persons.
5. Consider police action directly from De Lattre. According Perrier, De Lattre in recent interview told Cao Dai pope cease troublemaking or he wld find “Fr did not have any need of him”. Perrier claimed Fr and Huu Govt do not fear repercussions among Cao Dai generally or among Binh Xuyen. Claims that police action not immed provoked by Col. The “third force” activities but that investigation may show Cao Dai backing of latter. Two members Phuc Quoc Hoi polit branch of Cao Dai serving as “Cao Dai research Bureau” claimed arrested. Perrier says he as well as Cao Dai Gen Thanh have been told De Lattre will not tolerate their disaffection indefinitely and that both are fearful.
Leg comment: Police action further moved De Lattre policy break up para milit sections, clandestine parties.
[Page 548]Both Cao Dai–Binh Xuyen exercised quasi police and strongarm auth parts of city but this long standing and tolerated or encouraged by Fr since period when policy was use local groups with inside knowledge VM to piece out inadequate Fr milit and constabulary forces. Due to dissidence of The, Cao Dai not previously charged with misuses power but Binh Xuyen organization has many aspects gang politics in that revenues derived brothels, gambling houses, various rackets and “protection”.
Perrier claims Bao Dai recently gave Binh Xuyen lucrative “Grande Monde” gambling concession without inviting public offers. This juicy pie previously awarded quarterly fol adjudication. Previously Perrier able know how much VM and Vietnam officials get as rake-off but claims this now impossible and that he cannot infiltrate Binh Xuyen. He thinks Bao Dai leading beneficiary “Grande Monde” operations (see Legdes 18 Sept 27, 1951).1
While true some para-milit organizations have gangster characteristics, also true that some sincere natlists adhere to them in absence assemblies, elections, polit parties or other forums. Practically impossible for opposition polit parties exist except clandestinely, as result no party strength behind current govt.
De Lattre–Tam action risky but probably taken because of growing strength “third force elements” and with confidence that efficacy and strength Tarn organization freed them from dependence on dubious elements. Perrier says success in breaking up Dai Viet encourages him believe police action can be carried through without unmanageable repercussions. Huu and Bao Dai undoubtedly support move but latter has expressed fear that De Lattre may move too quickly against armed bands.
Sent Dept 1113; rptd info Paris 443, Hanoi unn.
- Not printed.↩