511.51G/7–1351: Airgram
The Secretary of State to the Legation at Saigon
A–9. Reference is made to the Legation’s telegrams Nos. 2218 of June 141 and 2239 of June 15.2 Following are the Department’s comments on the USIE portions of those communications:
1. The teaching of English is an important function of USIE whether official funds are used or not. The Vietnamese have repeatedly requested it in order to make even minimum use of US aid, the exchange of leaders and students program, etc. Since almost no Vietnamese know English, it is essential that this language instruction be given. The Department certainly agrees that French should continue as the first language after Vietnamese, but it does not consider the teaching of French as a proper USIE activity. The French observation that language teaching by USIE “seems odd” is hardly consistent with their own Alliance Françhise programs all over the world.
2. It is entirely appropriate that the first book under the USIE translation program was US History. This is a long range project. The books are intended for use in schools and libraries where reference material on history is needed and wanted. If the Viets “know nothing or little” of their own history or that of France, this is a problem for the Ministry of Education and incidentally one which should have been taken up long ago. It is not an activity for USIE. Neither is it a USIE responsibility or function to publish works on Vietnam or on France. Articles and pamphlets showing progress in Vietnam and her development as a State have been and will continue to be published by USIE. But the book translation program will include only timeless material, and in general, standard US works will be selected for translation.
3. VOA programs are intended to be propaganda programs, carrying official statements of US government spokesmen and world news. [Page 454] While the programs have been admittedly weak due to the difficulties and delays of recruiting qualified personnel, marked improvement has been noted since the arrival of 4 translator-announcers from Saigon and progress should continue.
4. Personnel will be the subject of another communication.3