751G.5/7–1351: Telegram
The Minister at Saigon (Heath) to the Secretary of State
116. 1. I called on Pres Huu yesterday at my request. He said that he somewhat concerned over possibility that defeatist and leftist elements in Fr Parliament might take advantage publicity attending Korean truce negots to attempt promote “compromise” with Ho Chi Minh. He did not think there great danger that Fr wld withdraw their forces from IC but possibility existed. He said De Lattre had assured him in confidence that he wld never, as long as he remained IC, engage in any “parley” for peace with Ho Chi Minh. De Lattre had requested this be kept confidential since if he quoted to that effect Fr Socialists wld make political capital out of his position and increase their attacks on him.
2. Huu said he much more concerned over possibility that fol truce in Kor, Chi wld not only increase its econ and arms assistance to VM but wld now directly engage in hostilties by sending over force of “volunteers”. He said that there great popular apprehension such move in northern Vietnam.
3. At end our talk he asked wistfully if it wld not be possible in Korean “parley” to obtain guarantees that Chi wld not send “volunteers” to IC. I replied that I understood conversations purely mil and that I cld offer no opinion or info this matter but wld transmit his suggestion to my govt.1
Sent Dept 116, rptd info Paris 39.
Telegram 73 to Saigon, July 17, read as follows:
“Legtel 116 Jul 13. Dept shares Pres Huu’s concern expressed last para reftel. Your response that cease-fire conversations purely mil was and is correct. There wld be no opportunity for the ‘guarantee’ Huu suggests.
“Therefore, an increased internal effort within IC is required. US mil aid now programmed is to support such an increased scale of action by Vietnam and France. Matériel for the Viet Nat army is being supplied with a priority higher than any other fon mil aid program, with other State armies and Fr Union Forces at same degree of urgency.” (751G.5/7–1351)
In telegram 187 from Saigon, July 21, Minister Heath reported the following:
“I saw President Huu yesterday afternoon. I gave him substance Deptel 73, July 17 to effect that while Korean cease-fire conversations and negotiations offered no opportunity for ‘guarantee’ that Huu had suggested for Indochina, US military aid now programmed to supply increased aid with highest priority for both Vietnam and Fr Union Forces. Huu said he cld understand that effective ‘guarantee’ he wished was impossible of attainment for Korean parleys. He comforted to hear again that military aid wld be coming to Vietnam with priority but worried lest next fall Chinese step up aid, perhaps even send troops, to support Viet Minh.” (751G.5/7–2151)