790B.00/10–2751: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Burma


385. Dept has recd with growing concern reports from reliable sources indicating the development of a serious threat to the independence of Burm by insurgent groups within the country, encouraged and supported from abroad. The declared objective of the insurgent groups, to overthrow the Burm Govt within two years, appears to be based upon a mil potential of considerable proportions. The accomplishment [Page 307] of this objective wld deprive the people of Burm of the independence that they have struggled to gain and to maintain, and wld subj Burm to a system of despotic tyranny which has already engulfed a nr of theretofore independent nations.

As the Burm Govt is well aware, the US has consistently maintained an attitude of helpful friendship and coop with the Union of Burm, and in so doing has been motivated by a desire to strengthen Burm econ and politi structure to help its Govt and people better to resist the subversive influences that threaten its independence. In this spirit, the Amer Govt believes that it wld be neglecting its obligations as a friend if it failed to pt out the seriousness of the consequences of failure to overcome this threatened attack.

You are authorized to seek an appropriate opportunity for a personal interview to bring Depts observations to the attn of the PriMin, embodying them in an aide-mémoire.

While Dept believes that it wld not be appropriate for the Amer Govt to volunteer specific suggestions as to steps that the GOB might take to resist this threat, it wld appear that fuller advantage might be taken of available opportunities to improve the training and morale of the Burm armed forces and that a more determined effort might be made to arrive at an adjustment of differences with racial minority groups now in revolt in order to enlist their mil and moral support for the Govt. If but only if the PriMin shld request advice on this matter, you may mention these suggestions. You may also assure the PriMin that the Amer Govt will maintain its attitude of helpful coop toward the GOB.
