No. 907

740.5/6–1651: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford)1

top secret

Todep 527. Eyes only for Spofford.

1. In accordance with NSC 18/62 Def is proposing mil conversations with Brit, Fr and Italians re mil support Yugo in event of attack on that country. Such planning wld be without commitment. These conversations wld be based on use of currently available forces. There is agreement these shld be initiated promptly.

2. Def also proposes parallel planning in NATO for use of NATO forces as their mil capabilities permit and wish insert paper in SG promptly.

3. Question has arisen whether, in view of fact Yugo territory not covered by treaty and forces whose use wld be involved in plans wld come from several NATO countries not members SG, wld be desirable secure political decision in deps to planning by SG for this contingency before planning actually begun. Such agreement wld flow naturally from intelligence appraisal Yugo situation. Wld not represent any agreement as to action to be taken in event of attack which presumably wld have to be considered under provisions Art 4 of treaty. Alternative proposal designed to get planning started more quickly is to initiate planning in SG with SG subsequently notifying deps of fact that planning as to mil action which NATO might take in case of attack was going forward but of course without commitment. This might be interpreted as carrying out recommendation of deps in D–D(51)29 Final.3

4. Wld appreciate your views as to time which might be involved in securing deps approval and as to reaction govts if SG proceeds and notifies.

[Page 1815]

5. This is State–Def message.

  1. Drafted by Martin and cleared with Perkins, Matthews, Cabot, Higgs, and Captain Murdaugh of Defense.
  2. Not cleared for publication when this volume went to press.
  3. The text of this NATO document was transmitted to the Department of State in telegram Depto 457 from London, Document 840.