No. 901

768.00/5–2651: Telegram

The Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Allen) to the Secretary of State 1


1767. I have learned from reliable source that fairly well-defined difference of opinion has developed in Yugo Politburo over question of speed with which Yugo shld change from existing pattern of polit economy, based originally on Sov system, and new indigenous type of socialism which all Yugo leaders hope to develop.

Politburo members favoring more rapid change said to include Djilas, Pijade and Neskovic. Those inclined to slower tempo are Kardelj, Rankovic, Kidric and Gosnjak. By advocating less sudden departure from original revolutionary positions, they paradoxically may be considered “Conservative” side in this affair. Tito is said to lean towards latter group but has not been active in debates recently. My informant was not aware of attitude of ninth member of Politburo, Neskovic (who I suspect is waiting for Tito to give clearer indication of his position).

Djilas and Pijade are considerably impressed by views of Brit left-wing Labor Group, and think Yugo shld move rapidly towards kind of econ (though not Polit) structure favored by Brit left-wing. They believe workers’ councils shld be pressed energetically, favor drastic decentralization, control of industry by labor, and withering away of bureaucratic state. They are more theoretical and idealistic. Pijade recently followed Djilas’ example, for instance, in moving out of handsome villa into modest flat.

Group headed by Kardelj feel “socialism” in Yugo must evolve more slowly. At time this wld seem to indicate that they tend to cling more to existing Sov-based system, they are, in fact, more practical and less impressed by ideological theorizing.

Important difference between two groups is that whereas Djilas and Pijade look to Brit and Eur left-wing Socialists for their inspiration, Kardelj group has wider nation-to-nation outlook. While both groups are equally anti-Cominform, Djilas and Pijade wld be more attracted by internatl Socialist Movement, while Tito and Kardelj are more Nationalistic.

Result will probably be something of compromise, with Tito casting deciding vote whenever he decides to show his hand.

  1. Repeated to Paris and London.