800.4614/5–2351: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy), at Frankfurt1
7882. Dept preparing coordinated global campaign to counteract and discredit Communist World Youth Congress scheduled Berlin in Aug. Recognize HICOG and Allied planning well along as reported PEPCO minutes and appreciate you have situation well in hand so far as FDJ concerned. However, for proper coordination wld appreciate fullest info contemplated measures, including decisions May 10 mtg between August committee and Senat, also Magistrat program promised for May 25. Desire info fol points among others:
- 1. What measures if any contemplated by HICOMS and FedRep to restrict fon participation by denial visas and inter-zonal passes.
- 2. Progress being made on ECA productivity fair.
- 3. What activity if any planned by RFE in connection Youth Congress.
- 4. Whether proposal for plebiscite on European union still being considered.
Dept plans circ query to all Missions reviewing Congress plans and background and requesting info on any counter-measures under consideration by other govts.
Pls advise soonest in view urgent time factor.
- This telegram, drafted by Olson and cleared with Conger, Cox, MacKnight, and Arnold, was repeated to Berlin.↩