740.5/4–1751: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London1
Todep 369. This is State–Defense message. Re Depto 7912 regret any possible embarrassment but unable accept wording proposed reftel.
We prefer you strenuously attempt seek agreement wording given Todep 366 “Each Deputy shall represent all Ministers concerned with NATO matters in his Government and shall be responsible to such Minister or Ministers as his Government may determine”. As a less desirable alternative we wld be prepared to accept text given para 4 Todep 352.3
If truly impossible reach agreement either two alternatives above we wld accept your wording suggested Depto 791 less “as a whole.” This formulation would however require agreed minute as follows: “Council Deputies in the exercise of their functions enumerated in para III 10 shall represent their Governments as they may be instructed and in accordance with normal national constitutional practices.”4
Reasons for our position are as follows: First, in view of current Executive Branch-Congressional relations exceedingly unwise to indicate that Deputy represents Government “as a whole.” Second, in order to avoid possible misunderstanding here or abroad and in view of extensive interchange in Deps that has arisen in connection with this problem, believe it essential to clarify point that Council Deputies, despite expanded powers and functions, is still not supra-national representative body with full freedom to act for member Governments, but, instead that each Deputy’s actions shall be subject to regular guidance and direction by appropriate officials of his own government.
- Drafted and cleared with Dickerson (Defense) by Nunley; also cleared by Pittman (S/ISA).↩
- Supra.↩
- Dated April 6, p. 127.↩
- In its meeting of April 18, the Council Deputies agreed to this last-mentioned alternative, namely the wording of telegram 791 less the phrase “as a whole.” (Telegram Depto 802, April 19, 740.5/4–1951)↩