740.5/4–351: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London1
Todep 352. Re Depto 693 of Mar 30; Depto 711 of Apr 3.2 Group paper D–D (51) 86 as cited Depto 693 and amended Depto 711 acceptable with fol changes and reservations:
1. Agree proposed change wording para 4 (US proposal). However, suggest elimination agreed minute in connection para 4, on ground serves little purpose, and interpretations in record shld be kept to absolute minimum. If elimination difficult, we prepared accept present draft text.
2. Believe word “chairmen” in para 6 shld be changed to “chairman”. Normally meetings shld be chaired by FM of country holding chairmanship, or in case meetings of Def or Finance Ministers alone, by minister of country holding chairmanship. However, believe unnecessary to attempt spell out all contingencies now.
3. Agree addition US proposed phrase para 10 making explicit CD function recommending measures to govts for implementation NAT. Use own discretion re retention last sentence para 10.
4. In order retain strengthened role Council Deps provided by text para 10 quoted Depto 693 and at same time clarify their responsibilities, suggest substitute first sentence as follows: “To enable Council effectively carry out its responsibilities and exercise them continuously, each govt shall be represented by a Council Dep, who will be responsible to all ministers concerned with NATO matters in his govt.”
5. We strongly reaffirm US view para 11(c). With regard statement for CD minutes concerning interpretation of “polit guidance”, we assume reference in tel to para 10 was in error, and that intended reference was para 11. Also, understand this statement now to be superseded by agreed minute currently under consideration. Our views re this minute already made known in Todep 350;3 however, wish suggest following text as possible basis agreement:
“For purposes para 11 of D–D (51) 86, term ‘guidance’ is interpreted to be synonymous with ‘direction’. Thus, gen guidance by CD [Page 128] described para 11(A) has same meaning as gen direction, and polit guidance described para 11(C) has same meaning as polit direction. Term ‘guidance’ preferred as more useful and appropriate in describing relationship between two bodies of such standing as CD and SG. With reference relationships between CD and SG, latter will not be free reject or alter polit guidance received from CD, but, in event it finds such advice militarily unacceptable, will be subject to procedure set forth in para 16 of DC 24/3 (final).”4
6. For security reasons and because of peculiar technical requirements of military, we believe it essential that Council secretariat shld include special provision for segregating military info which may be submitted Council from time to time and that certain military personnel shld be provided to assist secretariat in handling military matters. Uncertain whether this matter need be raised in present discussions, but may be desirable make statement for record now if you foresee any difficulty working out such arrangement later. Use own discretion. Has been suggested present DC secretary confer Council sec to develop recommendation on this problem.