740.5/4–351: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London1


Todep 350. This is State–Defense message. Ref Depto 693 Mar 30; Depto 711 Apr 3.2 We approve text para 11 of WG draft as quoted Depto 693, with understanding US version Para 11(c) prevails. With ref to problem of “guidance” versus “direction” in connection CDSG relations, we understand per phone call AchillesKnight April 4 that this problem will now be settled by an agreed minute to be incorporated in document, and not by means of an accepted para in CD record. Agreed minute shld make clear that when we refer to CD [Page 123] “guidance” vis-à-vis military agencies, we mean “political guidance”, and also that such guidance must be interpreted in context of provisions of para 16 of DC 24/3 (final)3 which permits SG appeal such political guidance.

  1. Drafted by Nunley (RA) and cleared by Knight with Beebe (Defense), Perkins, and, in substance, with Cabot.
  2. Ante, pp. 107 and 114.
  3. Not printed.