Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Bonbright)
Subject: Forthcoming Ministerial Talks
Participants: | Mr. C. E. Steel, British Minister |
Mr. J. C. H. Bonbright, Acting Assistant Secretary |
I asked Mr. Steel, the British Chargé, to come in this afternoon and handed him copies of the following informal papers (copies attached).
- 1.
- Suggested timetable for bilateral and tripartite talks with Mr. Morrison and M. Schuman.
- 2.
- Proposed topics for tripartite discussion.
- 3.
- Proposed topics for US–UK discussion.
With regard to the timetable, Mr. Steel thought that this was about the best we could do, although he feared that the tripartite agenda was so heavily loaded with important topics that it would be difficult to get through the list in the time available to us.
With regard to Item 1 on the tripartite list, I pointed out that although the British had originally put this down for bilateral discussion with us we thought it was more appropriate as a subject for tripartite discussion. I indicated, however, that we had no objection to talking it over bilaterally with the British too if they so desired.
Mr. Steel was obviously unhappy about Items 2 and 3 on the tripartite list. He hoped that we would have reached agreement between us by September, but felt that things were going very badly and was not sure that they should not be dropped in the absence of US–UK agreement. I said that we too hoped that we would reach a meeting of minds, but that, in any event, since these topics were both to come up in Ottawa I thought we probably should discuss them tripartitely before the Council meeting. Mr. Steel agreed that they should at least be left on the agenda for the time being.
I told Mr. Steel orally that we might wish to discuss tripartitely considerations involved in accomplishing the MTDP, although we had not placed this subject specifically on the agenda.
With regard to Item 5 on the US–UK list, I told Mr. Steel that we would like to have word as rapidly as possible with respect to the specific topics which they plan to deal with. I said that we would also appreciate being informed whether the British thought these topics had to be dealt with on the Morrison–Acheson level or whether they were things which Mr Gaitskell could handle with our economic people, ECA, and possibly the Treasury.