396.1–PA/4–2151: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the Four-Power Exploratory Talks (Jessup), at Paris1
5606. For Jessup from Perkins. ReDeptel 55972 I told Franks personally of our concern over position which had been adopted in Paris by Davies in recent days with particular reference to the letter which Davies had addressed on April 19 to you and Parodi (urtel 63283). I said that while letter seemed to be based fundamentally on [Page 1130] Morrison’s views as expressed to the Secretary by Franks, it seemed to us to go beyond Morrison’s message and showed a degree of inflexibility which worried us.4 As Secy told Franks last Sunday we were not pressing for use of “triple play” formula5 at this precise moment but we felt that it might have possibilities if we continued to be faced with continuation of present Soviet tactics. We thought it shld be thoroughly and rapidly explored and drafts prepared by our three delegates in Paris so that they wld be ready for use on short notice when and if three govts decided this was best move. However, Davies had shown complete unwillingness to even discuss it and was still urging his package proposal, which we cld not accept. Moreover, both we and Fr thought it was tactically wrong now to present Sovs with our ultimate concessions. We were reinforced in this view by brief account we had just received of Friday’s quadripartite meeting where Gromyko’s attitude did not indicate a move towards a break.6
Franks, who had just received a copy of Davies letter, agreed that Davies seemed to have “poured cement around Morrison’s ideas”. He agreed to send message to Morrison.
We have just received urtel 63997 and will work on possible message from Secy to Morrison. Will endeavor discuss with Secy tomorrow fol his return from Vandenberg’s funeral.8 [Perkins.]
- This telegram, drafted by Bonbright, was repeated to London and Moscow.↩
- Not printed; it reported that Perkins had spoken to Franks on the afternoon of April 20 (396.1–PA/4–2051).↩
- Not printed.↩
- Regarding Franks’ conversation with Secretary Acheson on April 15, see telegram 5463, April 15, p. 1126.↩
- Under reference here is the choice of agenda proposed by Jessup in telegram 6048, April 9, p. 1122.↩
- The U.S. Delegation had reported on the 35th session, April 20, in telegram 6409 from Paris, April 21, stating that no change in position was made on either side (396.1–PA/4–2151).↩
- Not printed; in it Jessup indicated that the U.S. Delegation was faced with two alternatives: to continue the minor give-and-take with Gromyko which might in 2 more weeks work out the Trieste, Balkan, and Austrian items or to initiate the “triple play” formula at once. Jessup favored the latter and hoped that Secretary Acheson would press Morrison to permit it. (396.1–PA/4–2151)↩
- Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg had died at his home in Grand Rapids, Michigan on April 18.↩