740.5/10–3051: Telegram
The Chargé in the Netherlands (Gaspard) to the Acting Secretary of State 1
419. ReEmbtel 409 to Dept.2 Stuyt, Chief West Coop Section Neth FonOff, says Min has again instructed Amb Van Roijen to review Neth Govt views on EDF with Dept.
If he not already done so Van Roijen will make following points which continue disturb Dutch about Pleven Plan:
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- Dutch oppose post of Eur Def Min. Prefers some form EDF Comm. Dutch believe even if post created scope auth too broad and lacks sufficient definition.
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- Common EDF budget wld necessitate revision Neth Constitution. Neth prefers natl Parl reps advise on expenditures common budget.
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- Believe shld be specific link between EDF and NATO. Also that NATO reps should be sitting in on Paris talks.
Stuyt stresses his govt favors EDF as mil plan or wld not have joined but Neth and Belg fear EDF being expanded into political and econ fields far beyond original concept. Says FonOff does not believe sufficient checks and balances exist in provisions estab EDF Min and common def budget.
Adds Neth Govt now informing Parl deps of plan and implied once MP’s aware full significance EDF States Gen will not be as receptive as it is today. This connection in yesterday’s De Volkskrant, Romme, Catholic Second Chamber leader, urged caution against “heavy risks” of going to work “too quickly” in EDF. This may indicate Romme working on his deps and leaders to examine EDF carefully.
Stuyt contends Benelux mins mtg Brussels Oct 25 was “only exchange views.” He confirms purpose mtg called by Belg Amb Guillaume Oct 24 as described Paris tel 2484 to Dept Oct. 27.3