740.5/10–1851: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1


Todep 256. Re Depto 473, Oct 18,2 Dept concurs necessity preparatory work in NATO on EDC NATO integration. Suggest full CD consideration this problem soonest. Probably after Mon Alphand report3 wld be too soon, but leave this your discretion.

Our prelim thinking this subject in gen agreement your approach. Fol specific comments are offered.

Ref NATO control over EDF as counter force to undue dominance any one nation in EDC, agree value this concept which shld be useful in controlling Fr fears re Militarized Ger. Suggest possible pitfalls here are that NATO only recommends and does not control; also inherent here is concept full Ger participation NATO.
Agree liaison only between EDC and NATO inadequate. On question EDC individuals being also NATO reps our thinking is tentatively [Page 895] that this may be necessity in view of lack of qualified personnel, but that subj requires further study. Wld appreciate expansion your views this matter.
  1. This telegram was drafted by John L. Barnard of the Office of European Regional Affairs and cleared by John A. Calhoun, Deputy Director of the Office of German Political Affairs, and by Assistant Secretary of State Perkins.
  2. Ante, p. 891.
  3. For a report on Alphand’s statement to the NATO Council Deputies on Monday, October 22 see telegram Depto 496, October 23, from London, p. 897.