740.5/10–251: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), at London1
Todep 211. Depto 396, Oct 2, rptd info Paris 619.2 If minor changes in Gr–Turk Protocol desired by Brit and Fr include any changes [Page 587] whatever in amendment to Art 6, full clearance here by interested Depts likely be required. This wld of course further reduce chances submission of Protocol as finally agreed upon to Senate before adjournment. Thus, apart from desirability prevent opening up of text to renegotiation, we must if possible avoid risk of action which cld easily delay one of important steps in process bringing Gr-Turk into NATO. Relationship of this to delicate, urgent ME negotiations shld be obvious to Brit and Fr. Hope they will respond to ur efforts preclude introduction into CD of changes in text agreed at Ottawa.3
- Message drafted by Parsons of RA. Cleared by H, GTI, and RA. Repeated to Paris.↩
- Not printed.↩
- n telegram Depto 406 of October 4, Spofford reported from London that the NAT Council had undertaken to consider British-sponsored drafting changes in Article 6 “based on recommendations UK legal experts.” Later that day, in telegram Depto 413, Spofford reported that the Deputies had instructed the Working Group to draft a summary of the Ottawa exchange of views on the world situation and had agreed that a committee of legal experts should at once prepare a definitive draft of the protocol concerning Greece and Turkey taking into account the British draft changes. In telegram Depto 420 of October 5 from London, Spofford reported that the French had also submitted changes relating to Article 6. In telegram Depto 421 of October 5 from London, Spofford said that “Although most deps responded to USDep’s statement indicating they would be in position to sign” the protocol during the week of October 8, “Danish requirement protocol be considered before signature by its Parliament which is now in recess and which does not plan to meet again before Oct 15 indicates sometime during later part of week of Oct. 15, earliest date for signature by CD” [NATO Council of Deputiesl. (All telegrams found in file 740.5/10-451 and 740.5/10-551.) The Acting Secretary of State responded to these telegrams in telegram Todep 221 of October 6 stating that “Dept greatly disappointed at failure Depts to adhere to Protocol to which they committed themselves (by C7-D/26) at Ottawa …” It was the Department of State’s view, Webb added, that only “minor drafting changes can now be considered” and the principal French amendment which related to Article 6 was substantive because its intent was to amend the Article whether or not Turkey should accede to NATO. “You shld request Brit and Fr to withdraw their amendments and inform them that to persist in their efforts to re-negotiate the protocol will result in delaying whole process of accession with consequent ill-effects on pending MEC talks. Dept is convinced proposed Br and Fr changes do not improve document.” (740.5/10–551)↩