740.5/10–251: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford), in London1


Todep 206. Re SpoffordPerkins telephone conversation of today2 regret impossible provide you any specific forecast re Cong action on adherence of Gr–Turk to NATO.

Present disposition leaders in Senate is to drive hard for adjournment and resist introducing any new matters. Senate majority leaders still express hopes to adjourn by Oct 13 but estimate is that around Nov 1 more likely with present volume unfinished business.

Have found no evidence opposition in Senate to adherence Gr–Turk and wld think possible secure favorable action within week or ten days if Comite3 agreed to consider. Have promised to consult with Comite before Protocol is submitted to Senate and of course cannot do so until Protocol is signed. Cannot be sure that delay might not be caused by opposition developing either on grounds drive to adjourn or on grounds action this subj shld follow rather than precede action on Jap Peace Treaty.

Have not asked views this point Senators principally interested Jap Treaty, partly because Dept has not made up its mind whether it wants to present Gr–Turk ahead of Jap Treaty. We have been waiting to see how soon Protocol cld be signed in order to know how practical it might be to secure action on Gr-Turk at this session.

As we see it, situation now somewhat reversed and your problem is how much pressure to expend for signature Protocol in view uncertain US ratification this session.

Oil balance we had better keep up steady pressure for signature of Protocol but not make all-out effort which cld only be justified by certainty of Senate action at this session.

[Page 586]

We will keep you fully informed of developments on this matter here.

  1. Drafted by Martin of RA, cleared by EUR, GTI, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations.
  2. No record of this conversation has been found in Department of State files.
  3. Presumably the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate.