780.5/9–2851: Telegram
The Ambassador in Turkey (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State 1
305. On Sept 27 I showed to Brit Amb, who returned Ankara from Istanbul previous day for express purpose seeing Foreign Minister, texts my tels reporting interviews with President Bayar (Embtel 283, Sept 24)2 and with PriMin and FonMin (Embtel 289, Sept 25).3 Also showed him Dept’s reply to these two msgs (Deptel 247, Sept 26).4
2. Brit Amb then outlined for me views expressed to him previous day by FonMin in answer to Brit démarche of Sept 23: FonMin stated Turk Govt agreed in principle (a) to participate in MEC as founding member and (b) to support with US a Brit démarche to Egypt designed to deter abrogation 1936 Treaty. Turkey he added, cld more effectively support such démarche if fully informed of representations already made and those to be made to King Farouk and Egypt Govt.
Re projected visit tripartite mission, FonMin reiteratcd apprehensions as to reaction Arab States and small NATO countries, stating Turk Min at Hague had sent second msg indicating continued Dutch opposition to MEC planning prior ratification Turk admission NATO (further details contained in para No. 3 this tel).
Brit Amb was able apprize FonMin that tel just reed from London informed him Dutch had modified attitudes apparently recognizing desirability military talks if of preliminary nature only.
In conclusion, Brit Amb commented, FonMin “seemed to agree” to desirability early preliminary military conversations but, recognizing urgency Egyptian situation, did not feel that démarche at Cairo need be contingent thereon.
[Page 584]3. On Sept 26 at FonMin’s request, Asst Sec Gen FonOff Nuri Birgi called on me to report second tel from Turk Min Hague referred to above. In absence Dutch FonMin had called on Sec Gen Dutch FonOff to express appreciation Dutch support of Turk admission to NATO. Latter declared, on basis tel just reed from absent FonMin, that Holland and certain other members NATO did not favor entry of Turkey into command outside framework NAT and without prior consultation NATO members. In other words, Holland favored Turks performance tasks incumbent on it as member NATO within framework pact.
4. In belief FonMin wld wish give careful consideration to closely reasoned arguments Deptel 247, Sept 26, Emb prepared written memo containing complete paraphrase Dept’s views as expressed in ref msg which Counselor Keith delivered to Asst Sec Gen Birgi 8 p. m. Sept 27. Birgi gave assurances that memo wld be immediately transmitted to FonMin who wld see me near future.