740.5/9–2251: Telegram
The Ambassador in Turkey (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State 1
289. Supplementing Embtel 283, Sept 24:2
1. FonMin phoned this morning to say PriMin with himself attending would receive me at noon. Cabinet, with Pres Bayar presiding, had met for three hours last evening after my audience with Pres.
2. Opening conversation PriMin said Cabinet wished him confirm thru me to US Govt its full concurrence in Pres Bayar’s remarks to me; also its own formal expression of appreciation to US Govt on this most happy and important development. Collaboration and cooperation with its NATO partners would govern future Turk policy. Meanwhile, Cabinet welcomed proposal for preliminary private conversations and consultation.
3. This brought us to Cabinet views on my three questions which I may recapitulate as follows:
- (a)
- Would Turkey participate as founding member MEC? FonMin gave answers: To Turkey defense of ME is vital. It follows that there must be a MEC and that Turkey should be member thereof on equal footing. Therefore Turkey “warmly welcomes and accepts invitation in principle”, all details of org and command to be by common agreement among members.
- PriMin added that he envisaged not simply Allied command to mask existing situation, but true interallied org and command.
- (b)
- Would Turkey welcome early Bradley visit? Again FonMin gave answer: He had already told Brit Amb and me that visit of formal Allied Mil Mission, especially prior to Turk admission to NATO, seemed undesirable in our common interests as there was reason to believe it would offend smaller NATO countries. Same could be said for Arab countries, especially Egypt where today anti-British feeling runs high. Turkey itself would feel no embarrassment whatsoever at visit of high Brit and French generals, but in common interest, if Turkey is to play, as it hopes, important role in gaining collaboration [Page 581] Arab states, present seems logical time for Bradley visit, which would indeed be welcome, but too early for others.
- PriMin added: “These are present views our govt expressed in all friendship; we shld appreciate receiving those of your govt. Especially as regards Arab countries, we wish avoid false step at outset.”
- (c)
- Would Turkey cooperate with US and UK in urging Egypt accept formula of and participate in founding MEC? PriMin answered: “Very warmly” and indicated that he hoped Gen Bradley would visit Egypt after Greek and Turk visits.
- FonMin added that Cabinet had shared his views as to substance and urgency of approach to Egypt. “But for approach to other Arab countries”, he added, “We must prepare the ground most carefully. Were they to be invited today they would probably say no. In their case the question is essentially dipl before it can become military.”
4. PriMin hopes Dept may find it possible to wire by Fri Sept 28 expression its views on Bradley visit (requested para 3(b) above) as he plans provincial visit over weekend. Emb suggests reply be sent via emergency niact military channel.
Dept please repeat elsewhere as desired.