740B.5/1–2951: Telegram

The Minister in Iceland (Lawson) to the Secretary of State


130. Public reaction Eisenhower’s visit1 almost universally favorable among non-Communists. Regarded as tangible evidence seriousness efforts NATO create defenses as well as recognition Iceland full partnership. Foreign Ministry confirms wide public favorable reaction and expressed very great pleasure and appreciation of opportunity government confer with Eisenhower. Termed it “extraordinarily beneficial” to the government, every member which highly pleased his full appreciation Iceland’s position and problems as well as his open intelligent discussion his mission and general problems NATO defense program. Thought more favorable atmosphere created.

Leaders Social Democrat Party also very favorably impressed. Rumored Communist demonstration did not materialize, due, it believed, split opinion in CP re wisdom; fear unfavorable public reaction; and difficulty ascertaining exact schedule Ike’s short schedule. Non-Communist press favorable.

  1. Eisenhower arrived at Reykjavik airport at about 12:30 p. m. on January 25. He was received by the Foreign Minister, Benediktsson, and held a press conference at the airport terminal before meeting the Cabinet at Government House. After lunching with President Björnsson and other guests at Bessastadir, he conferred again with Government officials and then left for Keflavik. There he viewed the U.S. airfield facilities and spent the night. He departed for Ottawa the next morning at 7 a. m.