320/10–2551: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)1
Gadel 8. Re election to fill Yugoslav seat: Dept has clearly and consistently stated that it opposes election of a Sov-sponsored country to fill Yugo seat, and that it will support election of non-Sov country which has best chance of election. Secy has personally approved this policy. We have stated US wld be prepared support Greece, provided it obtained sufficient support other UN members, or some other non-Sov state. FYI, in order not to jeopardize our overall objective of defeating a Sov candidate we do not wish to engage in special polit pressure to bring about election of any particular non-Sov candidate.
On basis available info, Greece appears have best chance of election. Accordingly, in conversations other Dels, you shld continue stress our opposition to election Sov candidate and state that US disposed to support Greece as long as it is candidate on which there is reasonable prospect of securing widest agreement in UN. You shld not, of course, inflexibly commit US to Greece so as to make it impossible for us ultimately to vote for another non-Sov candidate which might receive greater support in the end.
It is particularly important that Greece, and also countries which appear undecided this matter, including Benelux countries, know our views soonest. Dept is informing Phil which has requested US support its candidacy.2 Posts to which this rptd for info pls inform FonOffs.
An advance party of the advisory staff of experts of the U.S. Delegation to the General Assembly was functioning in Paris at this time, prior to the opening of the session on November 6. This telegram was repeated for information to Athens as 2023; Manila as 1297, London as 2199, The Hague as 556, Brussels as 577, and Luxembourg as 49.
Substantially the same cable was sent on October 29 to Copenhagen (369) and repeated to Oslo (358) and Stockholm (521). Additionally, the telegram to the Scandinavian capitals stated: “Greece has been one of strong supporters UN programs, including Korea. Article 23 of Charter provides that in Security Council elections, due regard should be specially paid in first instance to contribution of UN members to maintenance of international peace and security and other UN purposes.” (330/10–2951)
↩ - Documentation on this matter is located in file 320.↩