Memorandum by the Deputy Under Secretary of State (Matthews) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Election to fill Yugoslavia’s Security Council Seat.
There seems to be agreement in the Department that we should oppose the election of a Soviet-sponsored candidate, which will probably be Czechoslovakia. There is some difference of view on (a) what non-Communist country we should support; and (b) the degree of political pressure we should apply.
It is my personal recommendation that we should state clearly and consistently our opposition to the election of a Soviet-sponsored country; that we should clearly and consistently support the election of the non-Communist country which has the best chance of election (at the present time this seems to be Greece); that we do not engage in political arm-twisting in order to bring about the election of any particular candidate.1
- Notation by the Secretary of State: “I agree. D[ean] A[cheson].” The Secretary underlined his inscription.↩