330/12–650: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


944. Re Korea. Following, authored by Colonel Katzin, given Ross by Cordier. Katzin discussed with Romulo. Romulo expressed interest to Ross. Asked for our comments.

“Suggested proposal based upon possibility of hoisting Communist China with its own petard in relation to statements before SC on part of General Wu Hsui-chung which ignored UN participation in Korean conflict and limited his charges to US intervention:

  • “1. The UN emphatically rejects the charges levied against the US and reaffirms that the actions of the US were and are taken in common concert with, and at the request of the UN.
  • “2. Nevertheless in an effort to display its good faith toward its already enunciated intentions towards the people of China and in an effort to avoid the spreading of the conflict and the needless shedding of blood the UN proposes as follows:
    • “(a) Both the US and the Chinese forces withdraw from Korea.
    • “(b) North Korean and South Korean forces lay down their arms under UN supervision.
    • “(c) A UN force without US elements and not to exceed a strength of 50,000 supported by a Korean police force not to exceed 25,000 will be retained in Korea to maintain internal security.
    • “(d) UN observers of non-US nationality will patrol the international and sea borders of Korea to ensure that no concentrations of forces or violation of borders or boundaries within a defined meaning, take place.
    • “(e) Free elections under the supervision of UNCURK take place in North and South Korea within 6 months of the withdrawal of forces, etc., as above.
    • “(f) UN security forces withdraw at end of said 6 months. All Korean police force left behind.
    • “(g) Border states and US guarantee to UN the inviolability of Korean borders for stated period upon completion of above provisions.
  • “3. In event proposals not accepted by aggressor within fourteen days, UN will authorize full force and collective resources at its disposal to be taken by UN Command without limitation and UN pledges to make available its utmost support and assistance to this end.”
