795.00/12–650: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to All Diplomatic Offices
234. Reports reaching Dept indicate view advanced in number other countries, both Asia and Eur, that Chi Commie onslaught Korea was merely responsive to imagined threat presented by UN offensive. This theory doubtless advanced in part as result natural human tendency when faced by unpalatable reality and hard decision to find formula reducing situation to more comfortable dimensions and [Page 1428] relieving oneself of need facing hard facts. As such, theory probably impossible extirpate from credulous minds. Nevertheless, Dept considers it important that when you encounter such explanation you make clear it wholly at variance with facts.
As stated Depcirtel 198 Nov 28 (sent some posts as Depcirtel 207 Nov. 29),1 it is unanimous, considered judgment JCS, supported by info from field commanders, that present Chi offensive planned and staged over considerable period of time and that what happened is two offensives collided. Obviously it fantastic suppose that offensive involving half million men cld have been prepared impromptu. Owing fact considerable displacement Chi Commie units began year ago, involving movement north of Lin Piao’s Fourth Field Army, it impossible say when concentration for purpose assault Korea began, but reports reaching us May and June from travellers arriving Hong Kong revealed railway traffic both north and south Hangkow clogged with troop trains moving north. Appearance on Korean front of Chi Commie troops of Korean ancestry, as individuals and units, began during initial NK assault and long before return to 38th parallel, indicating Peiping wld in any case feel free assert itself Korea regardless mil situation, distance action from Manchuria, and consensus non-Commie including Asian world.
Dept now in receipt unpublished report by neutral Asian journalist in Commie China written before current offensive which discloses that Commie China had by third week Nov completed preparations for mass advance against UN forces Korea designed drive them back length of peninsula regardless risk gen war and had secured pledge of Sov assistance in event reverses suffered. Report contains eyewitness acct of feverish movement of troops in readiness for invasion as early as second week Oct and of preparations for air raid defense in major north China cities recalling Jap days. This report paralleled from many other sources.
MacArthur interview transmitted Wireless Bulletin 294 Dec 3 contains statement “it wld be grave mistake to attribute to any incidents of the campaign the momentous action of launching war which had been taken by Chi army” as well as other info of value combatting erroneous impressions held some quarters. This connection, watch for UN Commanders 10th operational report to SC2 which will be included Wireless Bulletin.