320/12–450: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 4—8:12 p. m.]
Delga 369. Korea—Lie-Wu talks. The following are further details which Lie gave to me with regard to the talks Lie has held with Wu.
Mr. Lie told Wu that he was prepared to travel to Peiping to consult with the Chinese leaders in an effort to maintain the peace and asked him to send a message to this effect to his Foreign Minister.
In respect to a cease-fire, Mr. Lie introduced the concept that the Chinese troops might withdraw to the Yalu and the UN troops withdraw below the 38th parallel.
Mr. Lie indicated that Wu made it very clear that the three demands of the Chinese Government were (1) withdrawal of UN troops from Korea; (2) withdrawal of the Seventh Fleet from Formosa; and (3) seating of the Chinese Communist regime in the United Nations; and that his position on these demands was very firm.
Mr. Lie indicated that he had made an independent cease-fire proposal to General Wu and that General Wu had told him that he had [Page 1379] passed this to Peiping and would get in touch with him when he received his instructions, which would take at least three days.
Mr. Lie said he had compared notes with Ambassador Rau as to their two conversations and they had agreed that there was no significant difference in General Wu’s attitude as indicated in the separate conversations.