791.13/12–450: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India

top secret

827. Embtel 1389, Dec. 4.1 You may wish to remind Nehru of US desire to consult with GOI re matters of mutual interest, and to speak to him along fol lines:

UN action in Korea against unprovoked aggression N. Koreans supported by great majority UN members including India. Decision cross 38th parallel in force followed failure NK authorities to respond to the Unified Command’s appeal to lay down their arms and end hostilities. As Nehru knows lawless invasion NK by Chi Commie forces was unprovoked and carefully planned. Difficult avoid conclusion invasion Korea by Chi Commies is part of plan to over-run all countries of E. and S. Asia. If UN action in Korea fails guilt will rest squarely on shoulders of Chi Commies for whose aggression in Korea not a shred of justification. If UN prestige weakened as result failure successfully meet aggression in Korea, responsibility will rest on Chi Commies who have demonstrated they will stop at nothing to attempt conquest of a neighboring country.

US has gone to great lengths to make clear its participation in UN military action limited to stopping aggression against ROK. Difficult understand how any reasonable person can doubt US or UN intentions in face of orders to UN forces not only refrain from attacking Chi aggressors’ bases in Manchuria but to refrain even from engaging in “hot pursuit” of Commie planes attacking UN forces from Manchurian bases. Such orders probably unprecedented in history.

No one hopes more fervently than US Govt that Chi Commies can be made realize their lawless actions cannot by wildest stretch of imagination be justified in eyes of world; and no one hopes more earnestly than US that Chi Commie rulers and people of Chi may [Page 1378] be made realize they are embarking on course which may throw all SE and S. Asia into chaos, and easily lead to disastrous world war.

No one knows better than Mr. Nehru that for months US Govt has hoped Chi Commie leaders cld be convinced US participation in UN action in Korea, and US action in connection with Formosan problem had as their goal the same goal Nehru has so often discussed—prevention of spread of hostilities. Chi Commies have now chosen commit aggression against Korea which may be forerunner of aggression against any or all other countries contiguous to Chi.

If UN action in defense of small weak country fails as result Chi Commie aggression in Korea it is difficult understand how men of vision can condone this aggression which may destroy UN efforts defend small nation. If UN is to survive it must have moral support of all nations who value their independence.

Regardless of outcome of UN action in Korea, high principles for which thousands of men in UN forces are fighting and dying will live. It shld now be clear to world at large no nation immune from threat of aggression. At no time has there been greater oppor for nations valuing their independence to uphold principles for which UN is fighting (End summary).

Dept well aware Nehru may not be impressed by these or any other arguments but knows you will endeavor imply clearly unwisdom of statements which may encourage Chi aggressors.

  1. See footnote 2 to telegram 1385 from New Delhi, received at 5:02 a. m. on December 4, p. 1345.